
Hillsborough is the perfect example of the way in which the media and establishment will lie in order to deceive the public. That is why it is so important for everyone to examine the actual evidence critically for themselves and think independently rather than blindly accepting the statements of the media and establishment, and the opinions of the so called experts paid by them.

In the case of Hillsborough the media lied about the behaviour of the fans. The police concealed and lied about the evidence which was available to reveal the truth about what happened.

The police told Margaret Aspinall that there was no cctv of her son, James, when in fact there was. It showed that he was not put into the recovery position and that a policeman put a jacket over his face when he was possibly still alive

Margaret is quoted as saying:

  • “The minute I heard the news about drunken, ticketless fans, I thought, “Lies. This is absolute lies.” I knew then who was at fault. Somebody wasn’t doing their job and that’s how I knew there was going to be a coverup.

When the West Midlands Police came to our house, the first question to my husband was, “Did you have a drink?” We knew they were trying to build a picture. Jimmy knew it right away. James didn’t have any drink in him. My husband doesn’t hardly drink at all, but he still got questioned as if he was a drunkard. That’s how all the families were treated and they made those families feel guilty if their loved one had a drink before they went to the game.

They kept asking me if I had James’ ticket stub. Right away, my brain kicked into gear. I said, “What do you want the stub of James’ ticket for?” “We just want to see it to look at something, to see maybe what time he actually got there.” “You don’t need the stub of his ticket for that,” I said. “I’m not giving it to you.”

They were going to try to say James was ticketless. They were going to take it and we wouldn’t have got it back.

We knew from the very beginning that they were going to try to blame the fans and they did. They did a good job of it, actually. But they didn’t count on the families and the fans and the survivors fighting for so long to get to the real truth.

The truth has always meant a great deal to me. My mother always used to say to me, “Give me a thief before a liar.” I used to think, “Is my mum nuts? You’d rather have a thief before a liar?

When Hillsborough happened, I understood what she meant. That’s why you can get an honest thief. You know they’re a thief. You don’t know a liar when they enter your door. I believe that lie and the death of my son — my mother’s grandson — helped to kill her.

Nothing much surprises me about Hillsborough anymore, but what shocked me the most was learning that they took the blood alcohol levels of all the deceased and searched the criminal records to see if there were any matches. That’s how low they were sinking — to take the criminal record of the victims when they were lying on a concrete floor. I thought, “How far does this coverup go? How far and how deep?” Because I don’t think there’s a hole deep enough that will get to the very bottom.”

It took the unshakeable determination and belief of the relatives of the deceased, with the support of their fellow citizens and a jury of ordinary people from Warrington, to establish the truth – that the Liverpool fans were not to blame for the deaths at Hillsborough, but rather that it was the criminal negligence of the police.

One thing that helped the truth finally come out was that those with vested interests in preserving the lies are no longer in positions of authority within the establishment. We know that it is tempting for politicians to lie – that is all part of politics. But when public servants and the establishment lie then that should be totally unacceptable. Unfortunately it appears not to be.

Do you think that committed whistle blowers such as Wikileaks’ Julian Assange should be encouraged by the people so that such cover ups are exposed much sooner?

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