The Lifestyle Philosophers of the Hellenistic Age

300 BC to 200 BC

After the invasion of Greece by Alexander there was no longer any purpose in philosophising over the ideal state and how it should be run. The key issue now was how individuals could live their own lives to best effect. A number of eminent lifestyle philosophers each proposed a common set of values which were independent of any imaginary deity or superstitions, and did not depend on being enforced. They were justified solely on the basis that following them would lead the individual to a subjectively better life, and that if everyone followed them the world would be a better place for all. The alternative was to put up with earthly hardship and console oneself in a better life after death, which led to the development of Christianity

The Cynics – Led by Diogenes, after Antisthenes

The Sceptics – founded by Pyrrho

The Epicureans – founded by Epicurus

The Stoics – founded by Zeno

Next – The Dark Ages