Parable of the desert island

One man ( A) is marooned on a desert island – it has only 1 palm tree, and he must sleep up the tree at night or be eaten by crabs.

Some time later another man ( B) then becomes marooned on the island – consider what the men should do.

I was here first – so tough on you – you can be eaten by the crabs. You should accept your fate without complaint – like a Stoic.

I will fight you for the right to sleep up the tree – ie the most powerful wins

I (B) will be your slave if you let me sleep up the tree. Eg a Sceptic’s approach that it is better to be a slave and alive, than free and dead.

I (B) will be your slave if you let me sleep up the tree – but then when I gain your trust I will betray you and let you be eaten by the crabs – ie Machiavelli’s analysis of politics in Italy.

If I let you share my tree you might betray me – the prisoners’ dilemma

Come and share my tree anyway – the Christian ethic

Which do you think is the right way?

Remember that in objective terms there is no such thing as right or wrong. It is a subjective judgement base entirely on one’s point of view.

What if there was no tree and the first man had to build a platform from driftwood to survive?

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