Machiavelli – 1500 AD

Machiavelli was born in 1467 and died in 1527 in Florence. His father was a lawyer. Nicolo Machiavelli had a minor post in the government ( 1498) . He opposed the Medicis, and when they returned to power in 1512 he was forced to retire to the country, where he wrote books. First was “The Prince” aimed at the Medicis, but main work is “Discourses”.

Empirical political philosophy based on own experience – free from hypocrisy. Considers the means to achieve objectives, without any consideration of what is good or bad.

In The Prince – How are principalities won, and then held or lost? Conclusion – usually by corrupt means. Religion is used as a social cement – it preserves princes by religious custom, without the need for expensive armies, but to be effective the prince must appear to be religious. Equally, there is no need to have virtues, only appear to have them. If a ruler is always good, he will perish. In order to succeed he must be as cunning as a fox and as fierce as a lion. He must deceive men, but appear true. Eg Alexander VI – no-one gave more assurances or affirmed them with stronger oaths, and then observed them less. He always succeeded in his deceptions.

In Machiavelli’s political theory power should be shared by princes, nobles and the people, providing “checks and balances” ( cf Sparta ) Power should be for those who have the skill to seize it in a free competition. Popular governments are less cruel than tyranny. A successful system requires national independence, security and a well ordered constitution. Political power should be shared according to real power, resulting in stability with less risk of revolution. Methods would depend on the population – city men are more corrupt than country folk.

Machiavelli did not envisage the slow development of a state by evolution – only its creation at a stroke – eg Lysurgis founding of Sparta, Hitlers Third Reich. etc